Historical and Institutional Abuse Claims

Historical and Institutional Abuse Claims

Abuse has long term impacts and often ruins lives of victims. Sadly, institutional abuse victims do not bring claims at the time of the offending. There are a variety of reasons for this, not least of which is that the perpetrator of the abuse is often in a position of seniority and holds authority to make the victim’s life more difficult at the time. A victim of abuse often feels powerless to act in respect of the behaviour they have been subject to. 

At Green & Associates, we feel strongly about these matters, and have a track record of achieving compensatory outcomes for victims that enable them to move forward. It is important that the abuser, or the institution that facilitated the abuse, is held to account. In our experience, this has assisted victims in closing that chapter of their life, and compensation can assist victims is beginning to receive the care and support they need.

In 2015 the Redress and Civil Litigation Report was by the Royal Commission and comprehensively reviewed the position of the government in respect of claims (“the Report”). The Report included damming findings in respect of abuse occurring within institutional care, and since the Report, a raft of successful claims have been brought against Churches, the State Government, the Scouts, and many schools (both public and private). 

Claims can be brought, and indeed this Firm has brought claims, pursuant to the Crown Proceedings Act 1988 (NSW), and the Civil Liability Act 2002 (NSW). Recently we obtained a settlement for a victim of abuse in institutional care. Some details of that matter are as follows: 

  • The victim was an adolescent and subjected to ongoing abuse over fifty years ago.  
  • The victim was being held in a government facility at the time of abuse.  
  • We brought a case against the State of New South Wales. 
  • We attained a settlement of over $450,000 at mediation, saving the victim the re-traumatisation of being subjected to cross-examination at a hearing. 


If you have been the victim of abuse within an institution, we may well be able to assist you in bringing a claim and receiving the compensation that you deserve. 

Here at Green & Associates we take pride in obtaining life changing results for our clients. We have extensive experience in dealing with matters where our clients have been subjected to abusive behaviour. If you have been subjected to institutional abuse, please do not hesitate to contact our Firm on (02) 8080 7585 for a free consultation to discuss what options you have.