Debt Recovery Lawyers
Debt Recovery
Cash flow is vital for the strength and continuity of your business. Chasing after outstanding funds can be time consuming and extremely stressful. We are an expert team of Sydney debt recovery lawyers who will take the guess work and headache out from recovering your debts. We will also take your work on a step-by-step basis, so that we keep your matter commercial without racking up unexpected fees. There are many approaches we can undertake if you require assistance with recovering a debt. We will advise you of your options depending on your personal or commercial circumstances.
We are experienced in recovering all types of debts, including complex and large commercial debts, and debt recovery matters involving Court orders. We are equipped with the experience and knowledge to effectively enforce these debts in cases where Judgment has been obtained, through measures such as Garnishee Orders, Writ for Levy of Property, Examination of the Judgment Debtor, Liquidation, Sale of Property or Bankruptcy.
If you are currently struggling with recovering a debt, we will have a consultation with you and upon revieing the matter, discuss the appropriate avenues available to you. If legal proceedings are not already on foot, we will begin with preparing a letter of demand. If the letter of demand is unsuccessful or the response /payment plan is unfavourable, you may elect to escalate the matter and commence legal proceedings. We will guide you through this process and strategically act for you in the most cost-effective way. Most of your legal costs will typically be recovered in the event of a Judgment against the debtor.
If the initial letter of demand is unsuccessful, we may also assist you with recovering the debt using the following methods:
- Commencing proceedings in the NSW Civil Administrative Tribunal (NCAT), Local Court, District Court and Supreme Court;
- Settling matters by way of alternative dispute resolution processes;
- Drafting and enforcing Deeds of Release and security enforcement documentation;
- Obtaining and enforcing judgements by way of writs, instalment orders, garnishment, bankruptcy and corporate insolvency solutions;
- Assisting you in the recovery of your assets including obtaining urgent court orders (Mareva Injunctions);
- Advising you on your risk and liabilities in your business transactions;
- Assisting you and your business by drafting agreements to minimise the need for debt recovery actions; and
- Act for you in Competition and Consumer Act claims
We will handle the debt collection process from the very beginning to the final settlement. Our commercial lawyers regularly service all types of businesses and individuals in successfully collecting debts, even where it seemed impossible.
Please contact us on (02) 8080 7585 for a personal consultation for you (or your company) to discuss the avenues available to you.
Green & Associates Solicitors Experience and Success
- We have successfully recovered debts from dozens of company directors personally where no personal guarantees provided and companies in liquidation;
- Our commercial lawyers have obtained injunctions and mareva orders and used caveats to secure and freeze property to ensure availability for enforcement;
- Our lawyers are proficient in obtaining judgments, default judgments and utilising garnishee orders for debts, garnishee orders for wages, writs for levy of property and examinations;
- We are proficient in utilising corporate and personal insolvency measures, including bankruptcy notices, statutory demands, creditors petitions and winding up applications, public examinations and litigation; strategic use of PPSR securities and enforcement.
We are also uniquely placed to provide in-house legal advice to Businesses and Individuals across a broad range of matters, including:
- employment-law issues (i.e. enforcing or dispute a restraint of trade clause for previous or new employees);
- compliance and regulatory issues (i.e. licencing and underquoting breaches)
- criminal matters;
- property related matters;
- defamation proceedings; and
- all types of commercial matters