The Price to Pay: Proceeds of Crime

The Price to Pay: Proceeds of Crime

The term ‘proceeds of crime’ refers to property from which a person derived directly or indirectly from criminal conduct. For example, money gained from drug dealing, or money stolen in a burglary or robbery. A recent example of this is the recent arrest of social...
Licensed to Kill? Police Powers of Force.

Licensed to Kill? Police Powers of Force.

Police have a significant amount of power when it comes to exercising their duties. It is important to understand the extent of power they can lawfully exert. Midnight yesterday, police shot a man who they allege threatened officers with a knife at a police station in...
Open Sesame – Police Get Pins.

Open Sesame – Police Get Pins.

Parliament recently amended the Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 2002 to include sections 76AA to 76AQ. These sections provide that in certain circumstances you are not able to refuse to provide NSW Police with your password or PIN code....
What Does Fruit Fear? Appealing.

What Does Fruit Fear? Appealing.

If you were found guilty in the Local, District or Supreme Court you may have the right to appeal. You may choose to appeal the decision if you were not satisfied with your legal representation or felt that the Magistrate or Judge made errors of judgment; whether in...