by Dominic Green | Aug 18, 2022 | Criminal Laws, Litigation & Disputes
The Demands of Debt Collection Ok, so you have been served with a Statutory Demand and want to know what to do next… Read on below to find out more- What is a Statutory Demand? A Statutory Demand is a formal notice issued upon a company debtor by a creditor...
by Dominic Green | Aug 9, 2022 | Criminal Laws
… IT ISN’T MINE OFFICER! A fundamental element for number of criminal offences, such as possessing or supply drugs or firearms, is “possession.” In order for such a charge to be made out the prosecution is obliged to prove that the illegal items are in fact yours....
by Dominic Green | Aug 1, 2022 | Criminal Laws
Where There’s a “Will” There’s a Way? Tough new bail laws were passed last month in NSW. The intention was said to keep sex offenders and those committing offences against children in custody (remand) while awaiting sentencing. Presumably, the intent was to ensure...
by Dominic Green | Jul 20, 2022 | Criminal Laws
Dead Ends On The Road To Justice? On 7 July 2022, accused killer James Scott Church took his own life before a verdict could be delivered in the trial for which he was prosecuted for the murder of his former partner Ms. Leisl Smith. Mr Church had previously been...
by Dominic Green | Jun 29, 2022 | Criminal Laws, Litigation & Disputes
Looking At The Fine Print Being charged with a criminal offence can be a stressful and confusing process. Especially if you are charged with a serious matter that is destined for the District Court. This story will explain what matters will go to the District Court....